Alain Sylvain, Founder of Sylvain Labs
Alain Sylvain is the founder of Sylvain Labs, a strategy and design company helping corporations like Google, Spotify and Nike, think about their future. He talks with Brian Ardinger, Inside Outside Innovation founder, about how to create new ideas that solve for business and consumer needs.
Innovation is evolving
- The fetishization of innovation. Define what innovation means within the corporation – e.g., transformational, new products?
- Innovation groups within large companies are outsourcing their innovation needs.
- Innovation is the creation of new value.
What are good or bad practices of innovation?
- The company wants to be “sprint” focused. Not possible if the company doesn’t have that spirit. Look at how the company changes to be more innovation focused.
- When do you bring in design? Early.
Is it essential for companies to look outside and work with startups?
- Necessary to look for external points of view. Innovation in a silo will not get game-changing innovation.
- Founders mindset vs. corporate mindset. At Patagonia, innovation comes from the founder’s perspective of the end user.
How essential is the C-Suite vs. individuals within the organization?
- Both perspectives are important. Low appetite for risk. Can you create a culture of innovation where all ideas are valid
- Create an open culture of ideas. Enable people’s side hustles to thrive.
- Acceptance of failure. Pull out what worked. Fear of risk is internal perception. The test is in the marketplace.
For more Information on Alain Sylvain, Founder of Sylvain Labs
For more information about Sylvain labs or to connect with Alain, check out
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